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Energy Enhancement System Testimonials
Physcial - Emotional - Mental- Spiritual

Linda Lumeria, energy practitioner


" I fell on lava rock and my knee was black and blue.  When I ws in the ESS.  I could feel the healing in my knee.  It's like the cells were vibrating!"   

-Linda Lumeria, energy practitioner

Paula Phares, artist


 " I had acute muscle spasm on my right shoulder which was painful.  In the EES, I felt the muscle spasm break up as thought little spiders in the form of energy were coming out of the pain."

-Pamela Phares, artist


"I was able to experience the EES for 15 min.  I skied the weekend before my session and I had tweaked my knee.  In just 15 min. from being in the EES I felt a shift—I didn't feel the pull that I gave my knee!" 

-Ryan, host of the radio show " The Technology Hour."


" I just had my annual physical and my referral doctor told me that my possible cancerous lesions were healing themselves and would soon drop off."

-Tenny Farragher, Seattle





Contact Linda Paulhus: 978-462-4976    
Email: essiac@comcast.net    
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